Agrofuels are increasingly promoted by governments around the world, who introduce policies aiming at meeting the climate protection goals. Certainly a topic to watch, for which we report on prerequisites of use and social, environmental and economic impacts.
Furthermore, it will provide you with an exclusive excerpt from the second volume of the Alternative Fuels & Raw Materials handbook, giving an overview on coconut shells as alternative fuels including availability, processing and practice in the cement industry. We will also report on carbon capture projects and technologies and latest news on innovations in the field of alternative fuels from many different countries.
Finally, as announced during the 5th Alternative Fuels Symposium in September last year, we present a description of the Alternative Fuel Award first winning project “Reliance Group”. We kindly invite you to participate in the Alternative Fuel Award competition 2019, where you get the chance to win a 5000 € reward incl. travel costs and participation fee for one delegate to this year’s symposium. Find more information inside this edition of the Co-Processing Magazine.
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