Co-Processing Magazine 04/2019

When reflecting on this past decade’s development of alternative fuels use worldwide, we can gladly see a positive change. Thus, in Co-Processing Magazine 04/19, we rank the top 10 global cement manufacturers according to their thermal substitution rates.
Co-Processing Magazine 03/2019

Co-Processing Magazine 03/19 comes to you with, amongst others, insights into emissions monitoring, permitting issues and permissions application, a recap of our 6th Alternative Fuels Symposium and news from the global alternative fuels community.
Co-Processing Magazine 02/2019

This year’s second edition of the Co-Processing Magazine provides you, among other selected articles, with an exclusive excerpt from the Alternative Fuels and Raw Materials Handbook.
Co-Processing Magazine 01/2019

This edition of the Co-Processing Magazine focusses, among other selected topics, on the use of agrofuels in the cement industry as an alternative to fossil fuels.
Co-Processing Magazine 02/2018

In the second edition of the Co-Processing Magazine, we report, among other things, on the sampling of waste to determine how much refuse derived fuels can be produced from it.
Co-Processing Magazine 01/2018

In the first edition, you can find out more on the latest developments in alternative fuel markets in the worldwide cement industry.